Hello Pizza

Making food

The communal kitchen was created with the intention of allowing the village to stage and celebrate its annual ritual. No matter which culture or which country we look at, the oven or cooking place in a village has played an important role in shaping the community since ancient times. People not only eat and prepare food around a big communal stove, but also talk, gossip, and live their social lives. The goal of the project is to draw all the settlers into making pizza, so that the communal kitchen is used not only to serve up the inhabitants’ food. The counters around the stove are at the same time both workspaces and dining tables. Symbolically deconstructing the framework around the kitchen and opening up the workings of the space, the counters can be supported from either inside or outside, which means there is enough room to enable one person to eat their pizza while another makes the dough a couple of tables down. 
The stove – given that it’s not made of wood – is a permanent structure and suggests that the kitchen, with the garden behind it – will be serving the village’s inhabitants for years to come. 


Workshop team

Team leaders: Danny Wills, Gianmaria Socci, Zsófia Szonja Illés
Team: Yeon-Kyu Lee, Emma Henderson, Caroline Moinel, Hannah Sheerin, Jimmy Lei, Wendy Leung, Cezar Moldovan, Guiseppe Ferrigno, Mathias Gommier, Cristiano Gerardi, Amy Grounsell, Hanna Rudner
Oven building team: Tamás Fehérváry, Péter Laczkó, Tatiana M. Melo

Photos: Tamás Bujnovszky