

Hello Wood is also an independent, international educational platform in design and architecture. It teaches us to think with our hands and learn through experience.


About Hello Wood Education and Events

We believe that a socially responsive attitude and the utilization of the material constraints in an innovative way, is crucial for sustainable design. Hello Wood has an ability to provide productive reciprocity between a concept, the design and its realization. Our goal is to promote the construction process as a platform for discussion, innovation and exchanging knowledge. Hello Wood is a profoundly democratic opportunity to connect different generations, designers and artists with various cultural, academic and professional backgrounds.


Summer Schools and Festivals

Hello Wood started as an art camp in 2010 for students in architecture and design and has grown into a unique art camp & festival involving more than 20 universities and 30 countries, seeking sustainable and replicable models for achieving social benefits and improving quality of life through architecture and design. It is a possibility for learning based on making and a great opportunity to break down the walls between different generations, to connect in ways that are beyond the walls of universities.


Hello Wood Builder Summit

Our international summer school & festival returned after 3 years to the scene, bringing 10 days of building to an abandoned basalt mine. 10 projects, numerous international lecturers, community programs and more were included in the summer school, not to mention the 2-day long afterparty with more than 1000 visitors.


Methodology Development

We and our partners are developing a new methodology called the Builder Method for an alternative, architectural education focusing on participation and action which could complement the existing architectural programmes.


Design Workshops for Children

We organise design-themed skill development courses for children - it’s Hello Wood Junior. In our program, we introduce children to what a real designer does through creative games and professional-based workshops.



Our aim has always been to spread the knowledge we have accumulated since Hello Wood was established. Over the years we have published several books that are commercially available.  


Hello Wood education in numbers


International Summer Schools & Festivals for Architecture

Hello Wood's first architecture summer school and festival dates back to 2010. Since then we have organized 10+ summer events for international students and professionals, always focusing on different architectural problems.


Hungarian Summer Schools and Festivals

Our program focusing solely on Hungarian students and architecture universities started in 2013. Since then the project outgrew itself and got integrated as an elective course in Hungarian schools. It's not only about the 1-week-long building, it is preceded by a semester full of designing and planning, led by teachers with the students being fully involved.


Hello Wood Argentina

Hello Wood can proudly say that one of Europe’s leading architectural summer universities expanded across borders. Hello Wood’s creative camp has become an export, along with their teaching methods, and in 2017 Argentina organized its first Hello Wood camp, following the Hungarian model.


Events & Exhibitions

Throughout the years we have organized several exhibitions, conferences, workshops and more. Peek inside the world of our events.


Hello Wood at Festivals

Apart from organizing our own summer schools we attended several projects and festivals all over the world (USA, Uruguay, Poland and more). Browse the list and check out the projects and installations.