The ‘TRA is a fire ladder installation, a tribute created for the local firefighting community. The 18-metre high, 2.5-metre wide, eight-step ladder can be even visible from the surrounding villages. The structure is an abstract visual experience that, due to its scale, cannot be climbed. During the closing festival in a spectacular performance, the ladder was set alight by its creators and then extinguished by local firefighters. This was not only a symbolic act or an event reminiscent of the Burning Man festivals, but also a way of preserving the wood without using chemicals.



Team leaders  Márton Pintér, Dániel Eke, Ferenc Koleszár, György Rózner
Team members  Alma Snowhorn, Fanni Lilla Fosztó, Barnabás Kristóffy, Fédra Kubicza, Monika Paltauf
Photos  György Palkó, Noémi Szécsi, Gergely Harsányi
Educational framework  Hello Wood

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