Becoming Animal

Becoming Animal

Team leaders: Julia Wildeis, Christian Daschek

Team: Nefin Erkul, Chongyuan Duan, Dorottya Kiss, Fanni Csöbi, Jakub Sampławski

What does it mean to transform, and how can architecture and design enable that? With the transformative concepts of Carnival at its heart, Becoming Animal is a set of functional furniture that can be deconstructed and worn by the team as part of the Hello Wood Festival parade. While these pieces might not resemble any given creature, they are still able to empower its wearer with the essence of that animal; one may not look like a gorilla while wearing the legs of a stool, but it’s possible to move like one, act like one, relax like one. In this sense these costumes can become living entities, much like how Carnival is about adopting a different role.

Photos: Zsuzsa Darab, Tamás Bujnovszky