Dancing Caterpillars


Originally intended to be a volcano-like gate, during the design process, its structural requirements gradually transformed the image into that of caterpillars dancing together or leaning against one another. 
The gateway formed by the caterpillar party marks the road that leads into the inner core of the crater, the Monument of Builders - the central installation of the Builder Summit, and the main stage of the Kráter Festival. 
The gate was made of 50x50 slats making it the airiest installation in the summer camp. The image of dancing creatures referred to the carefree, liberated moments of the summer school and the following weekend party during the music festival.



Team leaders  Kovács Lóránt, Klósz Endre, Sarkadi Zsolt
Team members  Jadwiga Slaska, Michael Sourek, Attila Nyárádi, Kristóf Gábriel, Daniel Nahmias, Johanna Dezső, Dávid Bence Váradi,   Oscar Luna, Mónika Gábor
Photos  György Palkó, Noémi Szécsi
Educational framework  Hello Wood

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