X Space


The concept of X Space is based on the premise that in a post-apocalyptic world where only a few have survived, and there is a scarcity of resources, how a new settlement can emerge as the ground zero for humanity and as a response to the community's need for shelter. X space which is a tensegrity structure, perfectly aligns with this premise, utilizing minimal materials and working with tension and compression. As a lightweight and mobile approach, it allows for easy relocation, demonstrating care for the environment. The design features the absence of fixed partitions, promoting growth like a living being, and can be easily assembled.



Team leaders  Matteo Fontana, Mattia Mattiuzzi
Team members  Khouloud Benzarti, Marta Bautista Useros, Tünde Fekete, Kiri Channer, Mohammad Abbasi
Photos  György Palkó, Noémi Szécsi
Educational framework  Hello Wood

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